The mountains of Western North Carolina are full of gorgeous rivers and dense forests. The city of Asheville is a good starting place to explore the surrounding area. The clouds are great. The biodiversity is unmatched and the seasonal changes are always spectacular. Apart from the humidity, the winters, it's cultural isolation and the fact that it's located in the bible belt, it's a decent place to live and paint.

Birches, watercolor, 30 x 40" 2010

The Source, watercolor, 30 x 40" 2012

The tree on the way Craggy Gardens, watercolor, 17 x 40" 2012

North Carolina Spring, watercolor, 30 x 40" 2012

Bee Tree Reservoir, watercolor, 8 x 10" 2012

Skinny Dip Falls, watercolor, 16 x 12", 2012

Dupont Forest Creek, 12 x 16" 2012

Rhododendrons in Bloom, 40 x 25", 2012

Bee Tree in Spring, watercolor, 16 x 12", 2012

Tree in Winter, watercolor, 12 x 16" 2012

Tree in Winter 2, 12 x 16" 2012

Untitled, 8 x 10", 2012